Guest blog by Eileen Cummings
This year local elections are being conducted by the Clallam County Auditors office. The office will supply voters pamphlets for the primary election in August and another voters pamphlet in October for the general election in November. Within the voters pamphlet is information about candidates, experience, education, community service and a statement from the candidate. This is a great resource for citizens to read some basic information about every candidate to assist them with their voting decision. In the state of Washington there is an established system for mail in voting, pick your candidates, put your ballot in the envelope provided either mail it (no postage necessary) or drop it into a voters ballot box located in several locations in Clallam County by the required timeline.
Simple process? Yes? The statistics for the number of ballots returned for a local elections are usually less than 20% of the registered voters in Clallam County. The process is simple, the information about candidates is readily available, the decision about who to vote for is yours.....why should you vote?
Your vote is your right and responsibility as a citizen.
Your vote shows the community who would best represent you and your interests.
Your vote reminds the elected officials that they represent you and your community
Your vote represents your participation in the election process.
Its important to vote in the primary and general elections, your vote does count in many ways. If you don’t vote you give up your voice to make a difference for you, your community and the future of Clallam County.